Sunday, April 29, 2007

OOOOOOOOOOH. A day at work left me all tired, actually not really, its my legs which are hurting, but whatever lerrr.
Time clocked in:5:54pm time clocked out:1:33am

Whats a cute guy? Like what is cute to a girl? I want curly hair, so I can be cute too.

WHAT THE hell. Ignore me, this is total bullshit.

I need my sleep.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

another day.

I blog at weird times, like now, 4 in the wee morning and Im blogging, brain juice flowing, although I need none at all to compose a piece of crap like this.

I wonder how I ever survive taking NIGHT RIDERS home. It is always -20 degrees on NR2, and if I take NR7 from tanah merah and transfer at somerset, it usually takes 3 hours. Takes a long time and freezes my grey matter as well.

OKAY. thats it, I need my sleep.

Friday, April 27, 2007


If you realise, I blog everyday, because my life is so boring and there is really nothing much to do. So might as well, sit in front of the pc and type some nonsense and try to make myself feel more useful. Nevertheless, I'll never feel as useful, cos Im just a piece of rubbish, the only place I belong is the waste disposal, in short, BIN.

Oh, girl rockers are cool. Meg & Dia, especially Meg, she got me hooked, looks so cherry like. Lisa Marx, that metal hot chick with white short hair, OOOFF! Hayley, don't think I have to describe that eh? HAHAHAH.

The weather is humid, with light drizzle and little sunshine. The humid part spoilt it all, it should be cooling, then at least I'll have the motivation to nap, BUT so humid how to nap?! Gonna sweat like mad if I do so. CRAP LA. Theres no more coca cola left as well, luckily there is still some cigarettes. LUCKY.

post mid autumn//////

...and so the frog was never kissed by the princess. THE END.

I feel so smashed. Like a meteor just hit me at full velocity but I survived cos Im a super hero.(*check previous post: Superheroes) The only one thing that can destroy me is emotion. This radioactive form of attack has been improved by evil Dr. I-hate-this-world. To further enhance this form of energy, he fused women together with it. With twice the power of a women and the improved technology, its lethal. One hit of emotion could turn you very EMO. EMO, like the word suggest, is EXTRA MANLY OVERDRIVE. It makes you wear your sister's jeans, have crappy hairstyles that cover your eyes(Nicky, Im not saying you, we're both EMO, HAHA), and you cry hell alot. So IT IS UP TO ME, the SUPER HERO, to destroy this form of lethal force and SAVE THE WORLD!!!! YEEE HAAA!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

was never feeling this bad

WOOOOOOO. Im ill. Im having a fever, still. Its worse now, plus a sore throat and some cough and a blocked nose, way cool!

I feel like shit cos being ill makesy ou feel like shit, I feel like shit cos I don't know what am I suppose to do with the girl Ilike, I feel like shit cos I cancelled my shift today cos Im sick, I feel like shit cos I didnt msg her at all.

Everyone's telling me: "Follow her pace.". Alright! Im following, but I just feel that sometimes she's just pushing me away. I really just need to know what she is thinking. What? I've known her for like maybe say, 3 weeks? Hmm, time passes fast, but still Im stuck here.

My "English" name is Rex, that is, at Brewerkz, Im starting work this saturday. As for my other part time job, well, I can only say, Im sorry. I can't believe I actually gave myself an "English" name, bear in mind, "ENGLISH" name, not CHRISTIAN name.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

c is for...

Im ill. Maybe you can ask me: "How are you feeling now?", "You want to go rest?" or "Take care alright?".

You're moody. I'll ask: "Are you feeling better?", "Want to tell me about it?", "Just say la.".

I guess you just really don't like me as much as I like you. Or maybe, you'll never like me at all.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Boys are lame, but still, I think romance is the greatest thing alive, followed by passion.


Sunday, April 22, 2007


Today was fun. Brewerkz, together with a voucher means relatively free Brewerkz food. Beer was in abundance, 2 puked after meal. I was safe. HERO. Sat down by the quay side and tried to be crazy, then next stop, partyworld. I was BLANJAED cos i have no cash. AS USUAL.

I missed Ivan's birthday party though. It all clashed, and I was sick as well. FEVER. I missed my grandma's birthday gathering as well, but I'll be filial.

I need to sleep.

make no haste, since time stood still
heart beats faster ever since my windows
set upon you.
Making sure this is not reality
i chased my old self just to prove this true.
lets take time, you and I.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


SHIT, i woke up suddenly and I'm feeling hungry. I want to make some kaya toast for myself but I'm lazy. My laptop is still playing MINERAL. SO EMO SO SAD SO GOOD. I need to get back to sleep or else i'll be bloody tired tmrw and i'll waste my whole day again.

I figured most of my friends grew up, cos I was reading ray's, liu's and eric's blog just now. I didnt know why, i just sort of logged in recently and I started my craze. So I went to read up. They do not blog anymore. haha. Well i dont know. Maybe this is like an EMO DIARY or something to me. My silent friend, who seriously, shuts the fuck up when i want to talk. Oh, and i haven't seen Liu for a while

She stepped outside into the morning air
To watch the cars go by and let the sun dry her hair
I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was but
I just stared.

I sat behind the wheel and watched the raindrops
as they gathered on the windshield
and raced down into the humming motor
and she folded up her fears like paper airplanes
and lost them in the trees.

and I know I don't deserve this
the capacity to feel
to laugh to cry and to praise
for that I live and breathe and wake each day
is nothing less than your grace
in awkward and glorious movement.

"Its just one weeeeeeeeeeeek" That was what she told me. I seriously wish she'll just send a msg or something now, but I know It'llllll neverrrrrrrrrr happen. Well, genie's dont exist do they?

okay, fuck sleep, winning 11


I have a secret.

I am actually, a super hero.

you judged a book by its cover

All of us are chasing for love. It is the most useless and destructive kind of thing that we cannot control ourselves to not search for. I am not desperate for a girlfriend BUT people think so.

Im happy this way, getting high, wasting time, and being myself, so WHY do I need someone? OR Why does it always seem that I need someone? Do I look desperate? Do I potray an image that I need love? DO I DO I ?!

I enjoy being single, I like to be alone, I like hanging out with my friends, I like to play! I can do anything ALONE! So why! WHY is it that people say I need a GF?! WHY?!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

dance please

Yes i know my font size is small, so just make do with it, what do you want me to do about it?!

Oh today is the 2nd day of school, so called school, cos its retained, its disrupted, so its not normal, so its not really school. Its more like: you head back for something you haven't complete. (BUT I COMPLETED IT!!)

I believe eveything that we do, luck plays a part in it. If you're unlucky, you meet the badER side of life. This is how i put it, life, has 2 sides, its 2D, its flat, but when you flip it over, this 2D plain piece of SHEET, you find the ugly part. So, basically, some people's lives are 3D, so they enjoy better, since all sides they flip it, they get an all rounded image. You get what I mean? I know YOU dont!

"A child embarassed by his mother, is just a child who hasn't lived long enough." I got this off Albom's "For one more day" Its true! At times, i do feel that i have not lived long enough to really understand what my mum does for me. I mean, as compared to when i was younger like 15 or 16, I was really, embarassed by what she did. Looking for me at the LAN shop, slapping me in front of the public, that sort of thing. You see, but now, i do not really get embarassed by what she does. She's getting old, and all i have to do or need to do, is shower her with the love she had given me all this while back to her. She is women after all, right? and all women needs love,be it her spouse, a friend, they would want to be treated nicely, so always be nice to girls. They're created for the purpose of allowing guys to show their love, and i guess that is the simpliest way, a guy can show it.

Kids these days don't know what they're getting. They're all so lucky. They get the sun, the moon, the stars, but they always want the whole universe. In conjunction to their age, they're immature. They think too much for themselves sometimes. Im only 20, yet, i think i have lived a life of 60, that is times 3 the age and everything that comes along. The thinking, the way I act, my rationale, its all good ole 60, just like an old man.

I hate to blog, but words describe my feelings better. I can go on forever, just to let you see how i view this life, but my life is not going to revolve around yours, so take what you need and just leave everything you don't need behind. I'll take away all that pain for you.

well and, "you don't need a reason to...get down on the dance floor."

Sunday, April 15, 2007

left behind

I retained.

What is so bad about it really, except for maybe the fact that i'll be bugged by parental problems again. Its unfair cos Im the only one who retained. The worse thing is, its BTN, taught by chang yoon ching. I dont even want to strain my fingers to CAPS his name, he is just such a waste of space living around still. Hell has a better meaning for him, maybe as a soul collector or some apparition that drains life. Student's life. He can also be his usual self, a cheeeeko, but a dead one.

Dumb. Nothing feels good, but its like as if anything felt good before. I forgot the feeling of feeling good, or rather the feeling of good feeling. I forgot what real happiness felt like, i forgot how to laugh, i forgot everything. I only remembered this wretched thing called pain. This feeling feels much more real than the others. At least, of the basic five senses we have, i can use them to experience pain more than happiness. Happiness is nothing anyways.

Then whats something? More pain? I dont know.